BSc In Maritime Transport

City Unity College, in cooperation with the Arab Academy of Science, Technology and Maritime Transport and with the support of the Hellenic-Arab Chamber of Commerce and Development, established the first private Maritime Academy in Greece. The goal of the Hellenic-Arab Maritime Academy is to provide high-level education combining academic teaching and practical training.

Program Outline

Through the newly established Hellenic-Arabic Maritime Academy, City Unity College offers the four-year curriculum

BSc in Maritime Transport Technology + COC (Certificate of Competency) 2nd Mate

At the beginning of their fourth year of studies, students choose one of the following specializations:

Marine Safety and Environmental Protection

This stream has been designed for students who will serve in public or private maritime organizations as advisers in maritime safety, occupational health and security as well as marine environmental and management principles issues. This course provides comprehensive understanding of maritime administration issues and expertise in essential management tools required by such senior maritime personnel to implement safety, security and environmental protection standards in maritime administrations or shipping companies.

Shipping and Port Operations

This stream aims at equipping students for a variety of maritime business careers, giving a special advantage to those wishing to enter the Shipping and port business. To this end, it offers a balanced educational program in accordance with the general philosophy of the 21st century, and the dynamic fields of shipping and port business. Students are given a general but solid introduction into the exciting world of shipping and sea ports. Students are faced with the problems of the maritime industry while, at the same time, the endless opportunities for solutions. World shipping and its developments are tackled and comparative studies of different countries are conducted.

Offshore Operations Technology

The global offshore oil and gas industry has been growing by leaps and bounds. Offshore vessels are designed to perform a wide range of tasks associated with the offshore explorations and exploitation of oil and gas. They are the main means of transportation to carry equipment, goods and personnel to offshore platforms that operate deep in oceans.
In this context, the aim of this program is to supply the oil and gas maritime industry with officers who have the qualified knowledge required for enhancing the offshore industry and are capable of carrying out special types of offshore industry jobs by managing, handling, maintaining and supervising special types of vessels that are designed for offshore industry

By completing the specific curriculum, a graduate has the opportunity to work as a 2nd Mate and then after 18 and 36 months of sailing/training on board a ship, respectively, as:

  • Chief Officer
  • Master

The academic teaching is complemented by practical training that takes place in modern simulators as well during the planned training trips in the 3rd year of study, on merchant navy ships or on the AIDA IV training vessel.

Because you are given the opportunity to obtain a BSc in Maritime Transport Technology – a degree recognized by the Hellenic Ministry of Education – and at the same time an IMO White Listed 2nd Mate Certificate of Competency “COC”.

Our graduates possess the comparative advantage of having obtained degrees equivalent to world-renowned academies according to the international standards for practicing the maritime profession as defined by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and thus have the ability to work as shipping company executives, on-board a vessel or ashore, in ports and organizations related to or operating in the maritime sector and the marine industries.

Under Law 4393/12, university degrees obtained by attending programs in recognized Colleges are professionally recognized by the Council for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (SAEP) of the Ministry of Education.

The Hellenic Maritime Career Center of the Hellenic-Arabic Maritime Academy, aims to offer professional support to bridge and engine cadets, as well graduates of the Academy by presenting them with various services in all stages of their recruitment and their professional career.

The main goal of the HMCC is to bring the cadets in touch with the graduates of the Academy – most of whom renowned professionals in the maritime sector. Based on our motto Theory-Practice-Theory, we focus on developing the professional career of students and graduates on-shore and on-board.
Qualified professional staff helps students prepare their CVs, arrange for interviews with shipping companies and tend to their continuing development through Career Development Workshops.

The HMCC, through partnerships with shipping companies and career services, aims to ensure that all students and graduates of the Academy have the opportunity to realize a brilliant career in the Maritime field.

Find out more

Prospective students should:

  • have a High School certificate with an average of at least 12
  • have chosen Deck Officer orientation if they have a Technical High School certificate and the graduation grade average must be at least 12
  • meet the requirements for English proficiency (level B2)
  • complete the necessary medical examinations (cardiogram, chest X-ray, ophthalmologic test, hearing exam, urine test for drugs and alcohol, blood test) at the specialized ‘Diagnosis’ medical center in Piraeus where each candidate will be issued his health card

The academic year is divided into two semesters. Students begin their studies in October and February. Courses are offered during morning and afternoon hours. The teaching language of the program is English.

Do you want to pursue a Career in Merchant Marine?

Join Hellenic - Arab Maritime Academy and see yourself making a career at sea!